Everyone who ever started a business has to confront their inner wuss. We’re programmed to be careful, look both ways before crossing the street, don’t talk to strangers and watch out! Even if you’ve been a warrior, starting and running a business can be a new experience with a huge learning curve. The unknown usually engenders fear, and stepping off the supposedly secure illusion of employment can keep you up at night.
Fear is a powerful disincentive. Here are five ways to help you put your fears to bed and win the inner battle that nearly every entrepreneur faces:
1. Surround Yourself with Other Entrepreneurs. It’s very important that you leave your safe office and meet people who are in the entrepreneurial community. Among other things, you will be pleasantly surprised how many people just like you are succeeding. You’ll also be surprised how many truly incompetent people are succeeding in spite of themselves. This comes under the category “If They Can Make It, Why Not Me?”
2. Choose to Do Something You’re Passionate About. If you’re crazy about your niche, that passion will see you through. Business is not about making money alone. It has to be about doing something satisfying. It also needs to fit your skill set. If those two requirements are met, you will feel more secure.
3. Build Your Team Before You Need it. Every business has to have trusted advisors and business friends. Don’t wait until you’re in a hole to call for reinforcements. Get your Tax Advisor, Marketing Guru, Business Coach, and Mentor lined up early. They will supply the prevention factor to avoid the things you fear.
4. Exercise. Wait! Before you say OMG, hear me out. Running a business requires stamina and energy for starters. Exercise helps to lower your anxiety, gives you time out to think, and keeps your competitive juices flowing. Make it part of your routine at least three days a week and you will start to see the difference, trust me.
5. Cultivate Bounce Back. Every business has set-backs and disappointments. It’s the owners who are resilient who are able to cope with creeping fears and doubts. Don’t let any one failure frustrate you or frighten you. Chalk it up to a lesson learned and move on.
6. Bonus! Get the Negative People Out of Your Life. Yes, even if it is your mom. Lots of people are willing to tell you something that will cause you to question yourself. Did Bill Gates listen to that when he was in his garage? No.
Opt to pursue your dream because you believe in your idea. Once you learn you can make it on your own, and even be a job creator, you will never go back to working for some slob who knows less than you but has the power to fire you and wreck your life.
Vicki Garcia is the Co-Founder of Veteran Entrepreneurs Today & President of Marketing Impressions. Email her at [email protected], register for free coaching at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/veteransinbiz . Join us on May 13 at 10:30am at our Meetup at www.veteransinbiz.com (look for our ad with the Lion in this issue of Homeland)