Jewish Santas Bring “A GIFT FOR A YANK” to San Diego
By, CJ Machado
“A Gift for a Yank” is a tradition that started 69 years ago with Eddie Cantor, American radio personality, comedian, dancer, singer, actor and song writer. Known for his charity work, Cantor began the first campaign to combat Polio on his radio show in January 1938, asking people to mail a dime to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was stricken with Polio.
Other entertainers joined in the campaign with their own shows, and the White House mail room was filled with over 2.5 million dimes. Cantor created the phrase and helped to develop ‘The March of Dimes’ campaign that still exists today.
In 1946, Eddie encouraged his buddies at the Hollywood Canteen to skip Chinese food and a movie to bring some holiday cheer to their fellow hospitalized soldiers on Christmas day. The JWV “A Gift for a Yank” tradition continues and for the first time the San Diego Posts gladly joined in.
Commander Sheldon Margolis, Post #185 and Commander Marc Poland, Post #385 gathered with their members to distribute hundreds of goody bags and Christmas cheer to the Veterans Village of San Diego and the hospitalized veterans at the La Jolla VA facility. Instead of a sleigh filled with toys, these Santas brought an SUV overloaded with joy.
These Jewish Santas honor OUR veterans by keeping the tradition of giving in their hearts during this holiday season. Established in 1896, the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America is the oldest continuous veterans service organization with a Congressional Charter. The JWV is dedicated to America’s veterans. They assist the Veterans’ Service Offices in major cities throughout the country through its hospital, rehabilitation and veterans’ service programs.
This historic organization also supports the underprivileged, homeless, and handicapped of our nation through a variety of civic betterment projects.
May we all learn from the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America in honoring our soldiers that defend our countries freedom including the right to choose religion.