Blue Star Families (BSF), the nation’s largest nonprofit dedicated to supporting military and Veteran families, announces the collaboration of Vets’ Community Connections (VCC), a nonprofit organization that provides vital support to Veterans. The Veteran service organization moves under Blue Star Families at a time of incredible need for more collaboration across the nonprofit space to better serve military and Veteran communities.
This exciting opportunity marks a significant step forward in Blue Star Families’ efforts to enhance their Veteran outreach work and support more members of the military community. The 2023 Military Family Lifestyle Survey reports a connection between Veteran transition experience and the likelihood of recommending service; 79% of respondents who reported being unprepared for transition stated they “did not or were not able to prepare for their transitions.” The integration of Vets’ Community Connections resources allows Blue Star Families to introduce those inside their military family network to an extensive portfolio of resources to help them feel prepared for leaving service, likely increasing their resolve to recommend service to others.
Since its formation in 2015, VCC founders Doug Wilson and Kari McDonough’s mission has been to create a purpose-driven organization that generates real-time change for Veterans and their families.
“Kari and Doug built VCC with an understanding that our Veterans deserve more. I admire their incredible tenacity, our collaborative history, and the kindred spirit between our two organizations’ missions, which makes this alliance possible,” said Kathy Roth-Douquet, CEO of Blue Star Families.
Vets’ Community Connections has a proven track record of success in providing crucial support to Veterans, including job placement, family counseling, and access to community resources. The successful model of VCC provides a foundation for regeneration at a national level, and with the support of Blue Star Families, their original resource portfolio will reach and provide even more comprehensive support to Veterans across the country.
“Together, under the BSF banner, we will jointly leverage our respective outreach strengths to enhance operational efficiencies; enjoy cost savings; improve awareness within the community; and increase the wider community’s participation in supporting those who have served in uniform and their families,” said Wilson, Vets’ Community Connections Chairman of the Board and co-Founder. Added co-Founder and Board Vice Chair McDonough, “We could not be happier to become part of Blue Star Families. We hope our network and supporters share our pride in realizing this new union. We proudly say, “Thank YOU for YOUR service,” in helping us reach this milestone.”
The collaboration is effective April 15, 2024, and the two organizations will work together to ensure a smooth transition.
Blue Star Families
Blue Star Families (BSF) is the nation’s largest Chapter-based military and Veteran family support organization. Its research-driven approach fosters strong communities with a focus on human-centered design and innovative solutions. Since its founding in 2009, BSF has delivered more than $200 million in benefits and impacts more than 1.5 million people each year. For more information, click here.
Vets’ Community Connections
Vets’ Community Connections is a nonprofit organization supporting San Diego Veterans. Their mission is to help Veterans transition from military to civilian life by providing job placement, family counseling, and access to community resources. Learn more at www.vetscc.org.