Whether on deployment overseas in defense of our nation or on the fire lines defending their fellow Californians from raging wildfires, the citizen soldiers of the California National Guard are proud descendants of a heritage of service to community, state and nation that dates back to the year 1636 and the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

The National Guard – the oldest of our military services– had its beginnings when colonists volunteered to protect their comrades from attack. That evolved into the colonial militias – the Minutemen who stood ready at Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill, helping secure our liberty from Great Britain. Their legacy of service has been perpetuated by ranks of patriotic Americans who have followed in their footsteps and continued to build a proud legacy.

Here in California, more than 21,000 Guard members – Army, Air and State Military Reserve – are currently serving. Since the attacks of 9/11, Cal Guardsmen have deployed more than 41,000 times across the globe in support of the fight against terrorism. And since that infamous date, 29 Cal Guard soldiers have made the ultimate sacrifice in support of combat operations – 26 in Iraq and three in Afghanistan – while many more have sustained serious injuries.
In addition to the combat zones, Cal Guard personnel have served – and continue to deploy – to South Korea, Africa, Cuba, Kuwait and across the Americas and Middle East.

While the Guard has transformed from a strategic reserve to an operational force in the global fight against terrorism, it retains the responsibility to support and protect our neighbors at home during times of natural and domestic emergencies.

The commitment to the state mission is what sets the Guard apart from the other military services. Upon the order of the governor, and working closely with the California Office of Emergency Services, the Cal Guard can be activated in the event of fires, floods, earthquakes, mudslides, other natural disasters and civil unrest.

Guard assets that can be brought into the fight include Civil Support Teams, Ready Reaction Forces, Quick Reaction Forces and the FEMA Region IX Homeland Response Force, which provide personnel, support and expertise to civilian incident commanders, law enforcement, first responders and community leaders affected by natural disasters and other events.

For example, in both 2013 and 2014, Cal Guard aircraft dropped more than 1 million gallons of water and retardant on wildfires across the Western states. Those totals could very well be exceeded during this year’s fire season due to the severe drought. Even as they fight those fires, the Guard is preparing for what is projected to be a very wet El Nino winter season and the potential for mudslides striking communities in areas affected by the fires.

As a community-based force, the Cal Guard also has a mission to mentor the young men and women of the Golden State, not to recruit them into the military (although some choose to enlist), but to serve as a positive role model in motivating and teaching life skills that will help them become productive members of their community.

The Oakland Military Institute provides inner-city students a charter school atmosphere with military discipline. The mission of Youth Challenge academies in Los Alamitos and San Luis Obispo, with a third academy soon to come on line in Stockton, is to intervene and reclaim the lives of 16 to 18-year-old high school drop outs and produce graduates instilled with the values, life skills, education and self-discipline to succeed.

The National Guard force made up of “weekend warriors” is now extinct. The young men and women joining today’s California Guard represent the highest caliber of our nation’s youth. When taking their oath of enlistment, they do so fully aware they might deploy into harm’s way on their nation’s behalf. Their commitment and courage speak volumes to the bright future of the Guard.

Ever vigilant to the ongoing challenges at home and abroad, the citizen soldiers of the Cal Guard continue to march forward – always ready and always there!

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