Dear Warrior Family,
I hope you are keeping healthy and in good spirits. I want to share just a few helpful updates with you.
Luckily, our entire team is in good health and are working diligently to provide our veterans with relief and peace of mind.
Stress management is key, especially right now. And while a two cent wine sale would almost seem like divine intervention, we at Foundation for Women Warriors are happy to help find new and healthy ways to manage stress, anxiety, or simply address the cabin fever some might be experiencing.
We have two upcoming free webinars open to our entire community (veterans, volunteers and supporters) to help process and manage stress.
Join us on Monday April 20th at 5pm PT for a webinar on Managing Anxiety with Mindfulness with Embrace The Middle Founder and Clinical Psychologist Shayna Kaufmann, PhD. https://www.classy.org/event/managing-anxiety- with-mindfulness/e281357
This webinar will cover what mindfulness is and provide practical tools for dealing with COVID-19 related anxiety and stress as well as everyday anxiety and stress.
Join us on Thursday April 23rd at 1pm PT for a webinar on Financial Management in Crisis. Kimberlee Davis, Founder of The Fiscal Feminist and Bahnsen Group Partner & Managing Director will join us again! It’s no secret that a major underlying cause of stress, both individually and in most relationships, is personal finance and even more so if your employment or childcare has been impacted recently. Kimberlee will walk us through understanding the stimulus plan and revising our budgets due to unexpected changes.
If you missed our last two webinars:
• Organizing Your Life – 7 steps to organizing important life decisions and legal documents
• Financial Management in Crisis – Understanding the stimulus plan and creating a new budge
You can request the videos and slides here.
Access our updated resource page to help you find services throughout SoCal or email us at [email protected] for further assistance.
We are thinking about you! We love you! And we are here for you!!
With gratitude and hope,
Jodie M. Grenier
Chief Executive Officer Foundation for Women Warriors