The New Year is here, and you’ve made plans (let’s not call them resolutions, okay?) to eat healthier, exercise more, find quiet time for mindfulness – but have you planned on laughing more?

After considering how good a truly spontaneous, joyous, belly-laugh or two felt over the holidays, it occurred to me that we don’t often let ourselves seize the moment and make the most of it. Sometimes we’re self-conscious about the company we’re around (our boss, a new friend), and other times we feel it more socially acceptable to smile rather than to riotously laugh out loud. Not to mention that sometimes we just don’t seek out fun, especially during stressful times… Why is that we text LOL so often, but rarely DO it?

One of my goals is to laugh more this year, whether it’s letting hilariously go and just enjoying the moment more or chuckling to myself, but doing it out loud. I’ve decided that if it’s healthier to laugh, chuckle, giggle, chortle (love that word!), snicker, or even cackle that I’ve promised myself to do it. Mind you, this isn’t just a momentary thought; the research shows that laughing in any form provides health benefits.

Did you know that laughter can improve your cardiac health, boost your immune system through the activation of T-cells, lower your blood pressure and in a minor way, tone your abdominals? (No, do not stop doing crunches…) Laughter also reduces cortisol levels (the stress hormone), releases the “feel good” endorphins, and finally, helps maintain a more positive perspective on life in general.

So, give in to your silly side, enjoy the funny and absurd moments in life, laugh with (not at!) others, and jump into 2015 with a renewed childlike enjoyment for laughter and improved health!

Linda Kreter is President of WiseHealth, Inc.. She works daily to create a positive perspective in her life and work, and uses laughter to cover her serious Joke-Deficit-Disorder, making it nearly impossible to tell her a joke she’ll understand. It explains her enjoyment of laughter!

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