Immersed in patriotic memorabilia, the Veterans Museum and Memorial Center (VMMC) in Balboa Park proudly displays the “United We Sew” 9/11 Memorial Flag, “Operation Never Forget.”

New York Mike led the HOG Harley Pack in honoring the “United We Sew” 9/11 Memorial Flag’s Final West Coast Tour. The San Diego Harley-Davidson HOG (Harley Owners Group) and the American Legion Riders were amongst the many Biker groups that gathered in support. Together with the San Diego Police Department, they escorted the “United we Sew” 9/11 Memorial Flag to the Veterans Museum and Memorial Center. The VMMC safeguarded the Flag for public display and in preparation for the Inaugural San Diego Ride for Vets. A four-stop motorcycle ride highlighting veteran organizations and historical landmarks.

Love Amazingly Productions and Homeland Magazine sponsored the SD Ride for Vets to support many veteran organizations including the “United We Sew” 9/11 Memorial Flag West Coast Tour, the Flying Leathernecks Historical Foundation, ‘Arts for Veterans’ program, Veterans Village of San Diego and Triple Threat Support Group for combat veterans suffering from PTSD, to name only a few.

The SD Ride for Vets third stop highlighted the Veterans Museum and Memorial Center. Two fire trucks proudly displayed the “United We Sew” 9/11 Memorial Flag as the patriotic Bikers rode underneath. A statement of solidarity and unity that the Biker community often display.

“United We Stand, United We Sew” is a community project inspired by Tom Mc Brien. Tom Mc Brien is the Curator of the “United We Sew” Flag and has not left its side since its creation 13 plus years ago.

Volunteers from Bucks County, PA and Hunterdon County, NJ came together to sew a Memorial Flag for the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States of America. This patchwork quilt flag is 22′ x 32’ and has over 2983 miniature 4″ x 6” American Flags representing each victim from the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and flight #93, which have been sewn into one Huge Memorial Flag.

The project also contains flags representing the service organizations that participated in the recovery and rescue efforts, and national flags from all the countries that also lost citizens. In the center of the Memorial Flag are “The Praying Hands” as a message of hope and salvation to all. Members of the communities participating in this project included senior citizens, students, scouts, churches and volunteers…the flag took over 5 months to complete.

The Memorial Flag was presented to NYC at a ceremony on the USS Intrepid on March 11, 2002. Since that time over 6 million people have viewed the Flag as it has traveled to over 100 locations from the east coast to the west coast, Canada and overseas. The Flag finished its long journey in San Diego, our nations “Finest city”, where it was proudly displayed outside Mayor Faulconer’s office. Mayor Faulconer and dignitaries signed the flag before its proposed permanent placement in the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York City.

The purpose of this flag is to Never Forget our Veterans, to support our troops in the war against terrorism and to show the victim’s families that “WE care and we will Never Forget!” God Bless Our Troops at home and abroad and may God Bless America.

POC Thomas Mc Brien IV, Spokesperson UWS/UWS
Cell: 215-435-5091
Email: [email protected]

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